Look out Minnesota and Connecticut, Pennsylvania has not only joined the list of very few states to stay on schedule with their medical cannabis program, but has actually released grow/process winners 10 days early.
The keystone state expects dispensary licenses to also be announced on time, by the end of the month.

Prior to licensing, so much of the inside leaks indicated that Pennsylvania looked forward to a “for Pennsylvania by Pennsylvania” approach, but anybody who has seen the list of winners would say otherwise.  9 of the 12 grow/process licenses were granted to multi-state, multi-license holders in the industry, or a group who is partnered with one. 

Based on the scores published, the number of redactions in the winning applications, and the extreme competitiveness of the process, appeals and lawsuits are inevitable. Whether this causes a delay in the process is yet to be determined.

The secondary license market exploded with interest immediately, so only time will tell who will hold on to their licenses and if anyone will be looking to exit as quickly as they came.


Here is the complete list of license holders:

  • Prime Wellness of Pennsylvania, LLC – Sinking Spring, Berks County (SE)
  • Franklin Labs, LLC – Reading, Berks County (SE)
  • Pennsylvania Medical Solutions LLC –  Scranton, Lackawanna County (NE)
  • Standard Farms LLC –  White Haven, Luzerne County (NE)
  • Ilera Healthcare LLC – Waterfall, Fulton County (SC)
  • AES Compassionate Care LLC – Chambersburg, Franklin County (SC)
  • Terrapin Investment Fund 1 LLC – Jersey Shore, Clinton County (NC)
  • GTI Pennsylvania LLC, Danville – Montour County (NC)
  • AGRiMED Industries of PA LLC – Carmichaels, Greene County (SW)
  • PurePenn LLC, McKeesport – Allegheny County (SW)
  • Holistic Farms LLC – New Castle, Lawrence County (NW)
  • Cresco Yeltrah LLC – Brookville, Jefferson County (NW)

Source: Pa. Dept. Health